Everyone is living in their own dream, so don't take it personally! Instead focus on creating the dream of life you want to live in," inspired by The Four Agreements. Kelly believes yoga has the power to reawaken us to life. Each practice providing support to shift from head to heart, quieting the stresses of contemporary life in the mind and turning up each students internal voice. Kelly strives to create a safe space in her classes, a place to let flow and let go, and embrace self healing, through deep feeling, and a meditative atmosphere. She values light-hardheartedness and fun and sees these qualities present in a yoga class even while each student is opening to follow her own spiritual journey. Kelly loves music and uses it to enhance all of these aspects in her teaching. Her yoga path started over 13 years ago. She is an artist and mother of 3 young spirited children living with her husband in metro Detroit often spotted riding her bike. Kelly also practices Reiki energy healing. "Taste the gratitude and joy yoga brings and then spread it out~ giving love to attract more back! One love OM Shanti!